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The Secret of Change is a documentary series that follows a journey of discovery, visiting Transition initiatives and other projects along the West Coast of North America that are taking steps towards a more resilient and more sustainable future. 

This fascinating grass roots movement, which originally started in the UK, is designed to empower individuals and communities to take action to create a more sustainable world. It the ten years since it’s inception the Transition movement has spread far and wide, reaching villages, towns and cities in over 40 countries.

Fledgling British filmmakers Chris Bettles and Zoe Moyden, inspired by the success of Transition and driven by their belief that a better, more sustainable world can become a reality, will embark upon a journey to meet the people behind Transition initiatives and other grass-roots community projects In North America.


Starting out in the UK where the movement began, and traveling to Canada, they make their way down to Southern California equipped with nothing more than their filming equipment and two large rucksacks

In the true spirit of the Transition movement, Chris and Zoe are keen to show what can be achieved by ‘just doing stuff.’ They do not have years of experience in the film industry but their shared passion for creativity and sharing stories of positive action is what has led them to create this series.

the film
The facts
The mission


Why make the film? 

To learn about the successes and challenges of individuals that decide they want to be a part of the shift toward a more positive future.


Fledgling British filmmakers travel to North America to hear the stories of people in villages, towns and cities that are taking  action to create a more sustainable future 

The Transition movement began over 10 years ago and has spread to more than 50 countries

The film was made on a shoe string budget and

would not have been possible if it weren't for the generosity of people across the world that supported the crowdfunding campaign.


The film will be available online to watch for FREE in 2017.  


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